In November 2011 the Felsberger Institut’s director, Dr. Hartmut Quehl, visited Nicaragua and Colombia to expand the Felsberger Institut e.V. research activities in Latin America as well as to make arrangements on common research projects and prepare co-operation agreements.
An agreement for co-operation was finalised with the Martin-Luther-King-Institute at the UPOLI in Managua, Nicaragua. In addition, an action-plan was enacted within the common research project concerning both the social- and everyday history of the Nicaraguan war and 'demobilisation and reintegration'. To this end, a working group has been formed, and Mr. Jesus Martin Torres Tableada has been recruited as a new member of the Felsberger Institut-Team. Initial investigations for future field research were carried out in León and at the border with Honduras. A basic contract on the joint research programme is currently in development and will be signed in 2012.
Dr Quehl's itinerary also included a visit to Colombia. Potential joint academic activities and research projects in the field of migration were discussed at the Universidad del Rosario. As in Nicaragua, the completion of a co-operation agreement is scheduled for 2012.