Dr. Hartmut Quehl
- Director of the Felsberg Instituts
- Doctor of history, political science and Islamic studies (PhD obtained in Hannover)
- Studied in Marburg, Freiburg and Damascus
- Research focuses: peace and conflict research, social history and history of everyday life during postcolonial wars, oral history and qualitative empiricism, migration research, education research
- List of publications (see attachment)
- Contact: hartmut.quehl@fibw.eu

Dr. Fredy Cante
- Full tenure professor at the School of Political Science, Government and International Relations at the Universidad del Rosario, Bogota, Colombia (since 2008)
- PhD in Economic Sciences at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (2009); Visiting Scholar at Columbia University (2001); Member of the International Consortium of Research on Violence (ICROV) (Since 2012); Member of the JANUS Interdisciplinary Group for Peace, Conflict and Post Conflict Studies (Since 2015); Consultant to the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict (2006)
- Research focuses: collective action, nonviolent political action, political economy and nonviolent political economy
- List of publications (see attachment)
- contact: fredy.cante@urosario.edu.co

Prof. Dr. Magnus Treiber
- Anthropology Professor (Venia Legendi 2016)
- MA (2000) in German Literature, Anthropology and Political Science and PhD (2005) in Anthropology from Munich University, Assistant Prof. at the Chair of Anthropology, Bayreuth University (2009-2014), and at the College of Social Sciences, Addis Ababa University (2014-15), since 04/2016 Professor of Anthropology at Munich University.
- Project coordination and conference organisation at Felsberg Institute (2014-15), Language classes for new arriving minor refugees at Institut für Sprachen, Kassel (2015-16).
- Research focuses: Conflict in the Horn of Africa, migration from Eritrea and Ethiopia, ethnographic methods and theoretical reflection in refugee and migration studies
- List of Publications http://www.ethnologie.uni-muenchen.de/personen/professorinnen/treiber/publikationen-treiber-09-2017.pdf
- Contact: http://www.ethnologie.uni-muenchen.de/personen/professorinnen/treiber/index.html

Dr. iur. Daniel Heilmann, LLM
- Good Governance and Rule of Law Expert; Member of the Board at Resources for Development and Progress
- Daniel Heilmann currently works as a justice sector expert in Indonesia. Prior to his posting in Indonesia he worked as senior parliamentary advisor to the Cambodian Parliament and as Head of the Middle East and North Africa Department at the Max Planck Institute for International Law in Heidelberg. In this capacity, he supported the democratization processes in Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Tunisia, Somalia and South Sudan. He holds a Ph.D. in international law from Goethe University and studied public international law and development management in San Francisco, London, Frankfurt and St. Gallen
- Research focuses: Conflict Transformation; Constitution-making; Parliamentary Development in Post-conflict Countries, Human Rights
- Publication list: See attached list
- contact: secretariat@redepro.eu

Birgit Svensson
- Country Director of the Iraqi Desk of the Felsberg Institute
- Studied politics and communication science in Paris and Stockholm
- works as a journalist since 23 years and reports from the Middle East since 9/11
- since 2005 correspondent for Deutschlandfunk and DIE WELT in Iraq
- contact: birgit.svensson@fibw.eu

Nigora Salahutdinova M. A.
- DAF-Teacher at the Institut für Sprachen, Kassel, project lead of the unit dealing with unaccompanied minor refugees
- Master’s of Arts “German as a Foreign Language” (DAF) at the University of Kassel, Germany (2009); Bachelor’s of Philology at the University Fergana, Uzbekistan (2003)
- Project manager for the Project “Language and Information Center for German”, Gaziantep, Turkey (2010-2011)
- Contact: umf@fibw.eu

Paula Timcke
- Head of the Latin America Desk of the Felsberg Institute
- Sociologist (Dipl. Soz., Munich University, emphasis on political sociology, social inequality, sociology of education, social psychology)
- Teaching and research at the Rosario University, Bogota, Colombia (Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations and School of Human sciences)
- Research and analysis at the National Center for historical Memory (CNMH), Bogota, Colombia
- Research focuses: violence, armed conflict and internal displacement in Colombia, collective memory; qualitative social research and CAQDAS
- contact: paula.timcke@fibw.eu

Silvia-Lucretia Nicola M.A.
- Research Associate
- PhD Student (Political Science) at the Freie Universität Berlin (since 2018)
- Studies: Bachelor in Political Science (2012) at the Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Granada (Spain); Master in Military Studies (2016) at the University of Potsdam
- wide-ranging consultancy work (studies on behalf of the GIZ, the German Federal Foreign Office, etc.) and Trainer for youth and adult education (selection of topics: diversity, countering right-wing populism, Europe, intercultural communication)
- Research focuses: dynamics of collective violence, unrecognized states, Afghanistan, Iraqi-Kurdistan, Migration, Integration, NATO, European Union
- List of Publications: (siehe PDF Datei)
- contact: silvia.nicola@fibw.eu

Dr. Aurora Massa
- Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Trento
- Ph.D. in Social Anthropology
- Holds a BA and a MA from the Sapienza-University of Rome, and a PhD in Anthropology and Epistemology of Complexity from the Bergamo University; currently a post-doc fellow for the HOMInG EU Research Project - Home as a Window on Migrant Belonging, Integration and Circulation, at University of Trento.
- expertise in medical anthropology, conducting researches in Italy and in Northern Ethiopia about health care seeking behaviours, plural medical systems, community-based organizations for people living with HIV, and health inequalities
- Previously worked as a civil servant with refugees and unaccompanied migrant children in Italy, as well as consultant for the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and for various international NGOs, and as researcher with health care facilities in Ethiopia and Italy
- Research focuses: migration, travelling experiences, conditions of im/mobility, transnational family networks, nationalism “from below”, youth cultures, relationship between scientific categories and legal labels, and in the methodologies of qualitative research,particularly in contexts of violence
- List of publications (See attachment)
- Contact: aurora.massa@gmail.com

Soren Chamorro González M.A.
- Coordinator of International Relations and Projects at the Institute of Research and Social Action “Martin Luther King” at the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua (UPOLI); PhD researcher, University Jaume I of Castellon, Spain
- M.A. in International Studies of Peace, Conflicts and Development, University Jaume I of Castellon, Spain; B.A. degree in International Relation from Universidad Católica de Nicaragua
- since 2011 adjunct professor at UPOLI; previous work experience with the minister of International Affair from Nicaragua and in the field of International Cooperation with an NGO
- research topics: The Process of Peace in Nicaragua, Contributions of Women to Peace Building and Culture of Peace to overcome violence
- List of publications: See attachment
- Contact: Proyectos-imlk@upoli.edu.ni
- http://escuelas.upoli.edu.ni/offices/view/12/inst-martin-luther-king

Dr. des. Essi Mawuse Djinkpor
- PhD from the University of Kassel (2017)
- Studies: Bachelor in German Studies (Universität Lome / Togo) (2014-2017); DEA (Master) in German Studies (Universität Lome / Togo) (2004 - 2007); Master in GLITEMA “German Literature in the European Middle Ages” at the University of Bremen, University of Porto and University of Palermo (Double Degree Master in German Studies at University of Bremen and University of Palermo (2010 - 2012)
- Research scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Programme (DAAD) (Mainz, 2008/9); Erasmus-Mundus-Scholarship (Bremen, Palermo, Porto, 2010-2012), Hanns Seidel PhD Scholarship (2013-2016)
- Research focuses: Intercultural German Studies, Gender Studies, Violence research, Peace and conflict research
- List of publications (siehe PDF)
- contact: djinkpor@fibw.eu